The arrival of the O'Connor bridal party was greeted with applause by those guests in the front area of the house. There were many "ooohs" and "aahhhs" as the bride appeared.

As per plan, Julian was whisked into the east wing of the house to await the ceremonial entrance of both bridal groups to the ceremony. While Julian waited on pins and needles, an elegantly dressed man wearing a black suit with white shirt came over and introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Bill Albertson, I'll be performing the ceremony today," he said in a friendly voice. It was the Justice of the Peace, Mrs. Thompson's friend!

"Oh, hello Mr. Anderson, " Julian replied, "Mrs. Thompson was telling us about you. I'm glad you could come and officiate today."

"Ah, so she has, eh. You can call me Bill," the distinguished gentleman said quietly but in a now clearly masculine voice. "I wasn't sure she had mentioned my youth."

"Yes she did. . .she said that you made a very attractive girl," Julian added sincerely. This caused Bill to be noticeably pleased.

"Oh, you're too kind! I haven't dressed for years," he said, "but after looking at you and Suzanne, and the 50 or more other young ladies' here, I'd feel like an old maid anyway. I can't believe how beautiful you all look. If only there was such a club when I was young! This day is actually the most exciting thing I've ever been a part of!"

Having sufficiently broken the ice, Bill took an official document from a brief case and began asking Julian questions which were required to cover the legalities of today's service.

There was absolutely nothing illegal in having a wedding between two brides, as long as each one of them was of a different physical gender. Dress was definitely optional. Finally Bill was finished.

"Well, I think we are going to start in about five minutes," he announced, sending a chill down Julian's spine. He was actually about to be a bride!!

The entrance of the brides was to take place by each one approaching the front of the audience from either side of the house. The audience was standing on the back lawn of the property near the patio and pool where a large buffet 'was set-up.

The vows would take place beneath a large shade tree. Julian was ready, his veil was lowered, Heather was holding


the train of his gown behind him, Bonnie was at his side and his mother was at the other side. Since both brides were now fatherless, the mothers would give away the brides.

The small string orchestra began playing the bridal march. All eyes were on the two doorways from the house. On Bonnie's signal Julian began to step forward down the east pathway through the crowd. As he took tiny steps, lest he fall or trip, he could see his bride Suzanne approaching from the other end of the house.

Suzanne was gorgeous. She wore a mermaid style gown which hugged her slinky figure down the hips and thighs, then flared out in a mass of ruffles and silk into a long train. Her dark hair was pulled off her face into a cascade of tumbling ringlets and curls. The bodice of her gown accentuated her full breasts and narrow waist. A veil similar to the one Julian was wearing demurely hid the features of her face.

Both Chris and Tani looked fantastic and admitted to each other that neither had ever felt so feminine. Chris was showing off his new bosom and real cleavage to the majority of the club for the first time. Certainly the gasps from the audience were equally the result of his looks as well as those of his sister's.

Chris wore his hair in a soft chignon arranged at the nape of his neck. Soft tendril curls caressed his cheeks.

Chris must have been asked a hundred times what doctor did "the work. One boy's mother hinted to Chris that she might "surprise" her son with a "small" set for his birthday.

Tani looked petite compared to Chris as he managed Suzanne's train in back. Tani's normally straight hair was arranged in a bouffant pageboy ending in a froth of curls at the shoulders. As usual his smooth oriental features were exotically enhanced with makeup.

The two brides met beneath the tree. Both of their hearts were pounding in their breasts. Not only from the excitement of what they were about to commit to, but from the sensual thoughts that were stirring in their minds. Bill Albertson conducted a lovely, touching ceremony that ended in the traditional kiss.

The only untraditional vow was, "Do you Julian, promise to always be 'Julia' from this day forth and do you promise to never again appear as a boy?"

A murmur swept over the audience as they all waited for Julian's answer.